Pennsylvania fair
Horsham, PA 2008

Horsham Day, an event we hold right in the beginning of summer. This was held the first weekend in June.

In another section of the park, we had baseball.

big rides
Here were the big "rides" of the fair. Essentially, big balloons that were shaped for bouncing and sliding on. There was another fair in Hatboro, the next town over, that had more traditional rides.

kiddie rides
Same idea, but more "kiddie-type."

food tent
Food tent.

Natcherly, the town wants to show off its' vehicles

dunking booth
Old traditional standby, the dunking booth.

This is the section of the park where I often take lunch to eat outdoors.

another section
Another section of the park.

more kid-friendly stuff
And finally, still more "kid-friendly" stuff, a "train" ride!